Thursday 13 April 2017


this is a way for achieving oxygenation. It does not offer good enough ventilation. it's miles the emergency surgical airway of choice in kids <12 years vintage. it may be useful in intense maxillofacial trauma, however also can be used in the putting of an higher airway obstruction from any reason.

▪    tell the affected person/mother and father if feasible.
▪    neighborhood anaesthesia using 1% lignocaine with adrenaline. this is infiltrated into the skin overlying the cricothyroid membrane and directly to the membrane itself. Aspiration of air will verify the needle's passage beyond the membrane and into the trachea.

With a five ml syringe attached to the cannula and aspirating as you move, improve the cannula tip through the inferior part of the cricothyroid membrane aiming caudally.
▪    when air is aspirated freely, develop 1-2 mm similarly, forestall and slide the cannula sheath of the needle even as preserving the needle nevertheless. remove the needle, leaving the cannula sheath in area.
▪    Now join :
●    the 3 way stopcock to the cannula
●    the oxygen tubing to the three way stop cock
▪    begin the oxygen drift at 15 l/min and use the stop cock to manipulate air flow ie directly to the affected person on idea / off to the affected person for expiration.
▪    Inspiratory segment 2 seconds, or until the chest rises.
▪    Expiratory phase 4 seconds.
▪    If expiration is incomplete, insert every other cannula next to the first to act as a vent.
▪    The process will offer good enough oxygenation for as much as forty five-60 mins.
alternative :
A 2ml syringe can be related to the cannula after insertion. The plunger is eliminated from the syringe and the connector from a length 7 ETT is inserted in its region. A bag and valve connected to oxygen can then be connected and the affected person oxygenated.
▪    Malposition
●    subcutaneous emphysema
●    haemorrhage
▪    injury to close by systems
●    vocal cords
●    cricoid cartilage
●    trachea
●    carotid arteries
●    vagus / recurrent laryngeal nerves
●    jugular veins
●    oesophagus
▪    Barotrauma
●    particularly in infants or in sufferers with complete higher airway obsrtuction
▪    infection

▪    much less complications than surgical airlines
▪    less complicated than other surgical airlines
▪    calls for minimal surgical abilities
▪    may be used in young youngsters
▪    Does no longer offer a definitive airway
▪    Does not offer adequate ventilation
▪    Exposes the lungs to probably excessive pressures

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